August 26, 2013

Offshore Magazine August 2013

Offshore Magazine August 2013 Cover


Full waveform inversion improves subsurface models
Full waveform inversion is providing the E&P industry with ever-more detailed images and models of the subsurface that can make exploration, development, and production more efficient and reduce drilling risk.

Water jet cutting an option throughout structure’s life
Technology advancements in recent years have enabled amazing things in offshore oil and gas developments.

Safety, feasibility highlight platform removal plan
Even high oil prices cannot sustain depleting fields forever, so CNR International (CNRI) has decided to end production on the Murchison field in the UK northern North Sea.

Study explores all-electric subsea HIPPS reliability and maturity
With subsea developments moving to longer tiebacks and deeper water, all-electric architecture has potential advantages over the conventional electro-hydraulic system: lower cost resulting from doing away with the hydraulic umbilical, reduced and easier maintenance, less environmental impact, and simplification of topsides.

Subsea stations could reduce cost, loads of long-distance umbilicals
Subsea production requires injection of various chemicals and hydrate inhibitors conveyed from the topside production facilities to the subsea equipment via umbilicals.

Operators planning some 5,600 miles of offshore pipelines through 2017
Operators and developers are studying, planning, and building almost 5,600 mi (9,012 km) of oil and gas pipelines to bring these supplies from offshore fields to onshore markets.

Castorone extends the threshold for deepwater, large-diameter pipelay
The offshore market will increasingly require lay vessels capable of installing large (more than 24-in.) diameter trunklines in all water depths, with more advanced dynamic positioning (DP) capability and higher pipe storage capacity for remote locations.

Free subscription to Offshore Magazine August 2013


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